Daycare Rates 2024-2025
Daycare is available for any child who is registered as a full-time student at Providence Classical Academy. Daycare is not available to Homeschool Enrichment students.
Afternoon Care
If you are unable to pick your child up when the school day ends at 2:00, we are offering the following afternoon care options:
Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
COST: $145/month per child
Kindergarten Care
If you prefer to leave your Kindergartener until 2:00 pm when the school day ends for elementary students, afternoon care on Monday through Friday from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm is included in the cost of tuition. This is not an academic program.
COST: No additional cost
Drop-in Care
The fee for the first 15 minutes after pickup time (2:00 for elementary grades and 2:45 for middle school) is $20. Once 15 minutes have passed, we check the student into Drop-In.
COST: $60/day per child
Friday Enrichment Daycare
Any Friday Enrichment students that stay for daycare after the school day will pay $50 per month for Fridays. TK/K dismissal is at 12:00 pm and 1st-5th grade dismissal is at 2:00 pm. Friday Enrichment students are also subject to the same late fees as our five-day students.
Note: The daycare rates are not hourly and there are no discounts if the full time is not used.